Sunday, March 13, 2011

HOw gREAt.

Saint Baldrick's is a wonderful charitable foundation that I just find heart wrenching. For those who are unfamiliar, it bases all its profits for children's cancer research. Our community participates in this special occasion every year. The fundraiser consists of "making a bald statement," obviously..shaving thy head. And let me just say, what a bold statement. This year, due to the girls having their pictures done I was unable to attend. Something very wonderful happened as you see in the video. This little girl is so special to my family and I and I am just so proud of her- and her parents for raising such a girl! She is good friends with my daughter and she is also in my Sunday School, so yes I just love her. Can you imagine, she is in the fourth grade, a grade where your appearance and "coolness" so matters and she, yes SHE shaves her head! How courageous, it seriously brought me to tears! (even if I am slightly hormonal) I can only hope that I, one day, will show someone something that could mean so much. Remember, a woman's hair is her treasure, her definition to who she is. Josephine you truly are an inspiration to us all!! And Jennifer, you are one awesome momma.

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