Wednesday, March 9, 2011

frequently asked questions.

Hi. My name is Jessica and I am pregnant with another man's baby (and woman I might add).

Q.Do you know the person?
A. Really? What do you think? I don't know about you but No I would not be doing this for a stranger.

Q. How does your husband feel?
A. My hub is very supportive, he has his moments were he is a slightly skittish but all and all, my hub is like me, we think every great couple deserves little ones driving them absolutely CRAZY.

Q. Do your kids understand, or have you told them?
A. Esta Marie at two obviously would not why bother. Raelyn on the other hand is very interested and excited, she is a little unsure at times and her perspective on it is hilarious. Plus, she thinks brown baby girls are the cutest (um, did I mention the baby is half Filipino?)

Q. Aren't you scared your going to get attached to the baby/ies?
A. Well I think it would be absolutely heartless if I thought for one second I wasn't going to be attached. But mommy and daddy to be are great people and great parents. This child/s are going to be so lucky to be blessed in such a home, and Aunt Sessie certainly wont be far!

Q. What if its Twins?
A. Um, tell them I don't want to do it! What! What if it is twins, its a little to late for me to object. No in all honesty if it is twins I'll take it like I try to take all things in life, with a smile. As long as they are healthy and I don't have to bring them home with me, bring it on. But please, don't judge the wide load Ill be carrying.

Q. Are you wondering, have second thoughts?
A. Absolutely NOT. Its been a good experience and I'm sure its only going to get better.

Thanks and Have a Great Day.

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