Tuesday, March 29, 2011

turns out.

Alright, well I am making my way through my 7th week, hanging by a thread I might add. I know the math is a little weird but they're the doctors, not me (although my college tuition would suggest otherwise). Any who, I have been cursed with "morning sickness," literally stuck to the couch lifelessly laying as I watch the house fall apart, the hub's patience run out the window, and the kids..oh the kids, they sure do love to fight don't they?
My two favorite companions right now are What to expect when expecting and The Mayo clinic, two books I have read before, but oh what you learn the third go around. Reading and searching with a purpose I stumbled upon this cursed "morning sickness" (stupid name by the way, its an all day affair). Turns out this is caused by the increase in hormone production that starts in your second month. And what have you, I am on like quadruple the amount, thanks! Something so funny, when asking my egg donor coordinator (yeah, her licence plate clearly reads : GOT EGGS, no I'm not even kidding) she says, "oh the hormones, I mean they might make you cry at a commercial but nothing major," really? huh, did she mean bunked up in a coma on the couch as you watch this commercial crying wondering, "what happened to my life"? And yes I am slightly dramatic, I signed up for this..no regrets whatsoever, lets not get the wrong idea.
Countdown till April 12 when the first ultrasound takes place, one or two is on every one's mind..me on the  other hand, I really don't care. At this point get me through the hormones and on my way to milkshakes and french fries!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

feeling slightly under.

My whit is currently on hold, I am feeling, well PREG! And let me just say I need one of these in my living room like right now! Thank You.

via bloglovin

Thursday, March 24, 2011

i need this.

I know springtime is a major motivator but I am just not catching that train.
Its a bummer, usually I am rearranging, planting, and planning some awesome dinners.
Right now all I can imagine is a hammock, ice water, and quite please.
Hormones, hormones, oh how I despise YOU!
Ready to put all I write about into action, but like the hub keeps saying,
"babe, this too shall pass."

Monday, March 21, 2011

shaking off those heavy hands.

Shew! Restlessness is the newness in my life right now. Every nite I am haunted by complete discomfort, the feeling of pins and needles going all through the body. Yuck! Floundering is another good visual, picture me in the bed like a flounder fresh out of the water, poor hub. So today I decided that its time, time to hit the gym, with low expectations of course. It would be ludicrous for me to think that I will receive the bod back, especially with out being able to hit the treadmill full force, but if it takes the muscle tension away, yes please.

via realsimple

Friday, March 18, 2011

sweet smell of herb.

Garbage mind! Its finally Spring, and I can hardly believe it. Entering this season with a little extra weight and a babe/s in the belly is slightly taunting. So of course, I am onto another project. Furniture is still being painted and house being rearranged, but with sunshine its time for gardening and lets face it I am an instant gratification type of gal. Thanks to a great girlfriend of mine she has triggered me into this vision of galvanized buckets, herbs, table and chairs, porch, and oh so sweet lemonade. Now her garden she feels raised from seedlings will give here the determination and connection to follow through, me uh uh, I'm growing and raising enough at the moment, give me full grown plants please. The babe/s are making me feel like, um whats the word? The most polite one I can think of is nasty. Because of the sour stomach my herb garden needs to consist of the following five stomach remedies: Peppermint, Parsley (my fave), Saffron, Ginger, and Fennel. I am also going to grow basil because who doesn't love pesto and caprice salad?

No one does galvanized chicness better than
Pottery Barn.
Get out and play!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Saint Patty, wack.

I was thinking today about Saint Patricks day and realized I knew nothing of the slightest about the holiday, other than green, shamrocks, and Irish Pubs. I became intrigued, I celebrated it numerous times, of course in college there is always the excuse to celebrate, whether its green beer or red hearts. So the jist, folk tale state the day is celebrated on the 17 of March, the death of the Saint Patrick. A man that was kidnapped then escaped through the word of the Lord. When he returned back to Ireland he made it his mission to spread the word of the God. Thus comes the shamrock, his used this as a visual tool to teach the Trinity, The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Today's celebration is a far cry from the initial celebration and remebrance of the holiday, but I guess that is the case for many holdiays.

So, speaking of green, I die for all of this, I know its a overstated comment
but Prada and Gucci...I cant help it!

Tory Burch is getting Funkyee Funky.

Prada, I cant even stand it.

And of course for the fella, comfy Cole Haan's

Happy Saint Patricks Day,
This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

preggy cuteness.

I dont know if its because I am slightly more emotional, or the extra weight gain has turned me from clothes at the moment, but look how stinking CUTE. Ah, I dont know the story behind this little guy other than an AWESOME photographer from down home, Daniel Pullen, shot it and had it up on his blog. Oh, and by shot..took a picture, duh. I'll be thinking of this little bubba tomorrow when I'm having my umphtith blood test.

I have another great photographer that I would like to shout out, but thats going to have to
wait just a wee bit longer. Enjoy the moment.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

HOw gREAt.

Saint Baldrick's is a wonderful charitable foundation that I just find heart wrenching. For those who are unfamiliar, it bases all its profits for children's cancer research. Our community participates in this special occasion every year. The fundraiser consists of "making a bald statement," obviously..shaving thy head. And let me just say, what a bold statement. This year, due to the girls having their pictures done I was unable to attend. Something very wonderful happened as you see in the video. This little girl is so special to my family and I and I am just so proud of her- and her parents for raising such a girl! She is good friends with my daughter and she is also in my Sunday School, so yes I just love her. Can you imagine, she is in the fourth grade, a grade where your appearance and "coolness" so matters and she, yes SHE shaves her head! How courageous, it seriously brought me to tears! (even if I am slightly hormonal) I can only hope that I, one day, will show someone something that could mean so much. Remember, a woman's hair is her treasure, her definition to who she is. Josephine you truly are an inspiration to us all!! And Jennifer, you are one awesome momma.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

DIY -ing.

So, I think its far to early to claim I'm "nesting," what? I'm like one week preg, haha. So this insanity to paint every piece of furniture I own will be blamed on none other than, yes the hormones. Oh yeah, I'm still pumping..three times a day plus patches, hopefully the research is correct and this baby wont be the next, I don't know, Gaga. Anyway, I have been really inspired lately by numerous things, different blogs..which if not careful become extremely addicting. Like your first pair of designer jeans, after that one pair you then begin to justify $200 jeans. Lets see, my obsession is not longer throws or aging watches, it is now harlequin print and stenciling, sanding and re purposing, paints and fabrics! Observe..

thehaystackneedleonline.com   Absolute treasure, I love this Blog.
This takes my breath away, yeah I really need to hit the gym. But really, isn't
this great? How eclectic and chic.

Vintagerevivals, another really cool blog.
I'm mean really, a faux fireplace has never looked this chic, and harlequin..see it?
She also did this cute little, actually large stencil in her daughters room.

The hub is going to die! I idea and he creates, let the home making begin.
Which we all know will probably end up in numerous dollars spent and a gazillions
 of paint cans laying around. Its definately worth the shot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

frequently asked questions.

Hi. My name is Jessica and I am pregnant with another man's baby (and woman I might add).

Q.Do you know the person?
A. Really? What do you think? I don't know about you but No I would not be doing this for a stranger.

Q. How does your husband feel?
A. My hub is very supportive, he has his moments were he is a slightly skittish but all and all, my hub is like me, we think every great couple deserves little ones driving them absolutely CRAZY.

Q. Do your kids understand, or have you told them?
A. Esta Marie at two obviously would not understand..so why bother. Raelyn on the other hand is very interested and excited, she is a little unsure at times and her perspective on it is hilarious. Plus, she thinks brown baby girls are the cutest (um, did I mention the baby is half Filipino?)

Q. Aren't you scared your going to get attached to the baby/ies?
A. Well I think it would be absolutely heartless if I thought for one second I wasn't going to be attached. But mommy and daddy to be are great people and great parents. This child/s are going to be so lucky to be blessed in such a home, and Aunt Sessie certainly wont be far!

Q. What if its Twins?
A. Um, tell them I don't want to do it! What! What if it is twins, its a little to late for me to object. No in all honesty if it is twins I'll take it like I try to take all things in life, with a smile. As long as they are healthy and I don't have to bring them home with me, bring it on. But please, don't judge the wide load Ill be carrying.

Q. Are you wondering, have second thoughts?
A. Absolutely NOT. Its been a good experience and I'm sure its only going to get better.

Thanks and Have a Great Day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thanking the Good Gracious God.

HOLY HOLY HOLY THIS GAL IS PREGOOO!! Whoop Whoop. All the hormones, the blood, the patient anticipation has paid off. How exciting for us all, the hub and I are so gracious to be given an opportunity such as this and the mommy and daddy to be havent stopped grinning. Ahh, so exciting! There is so much more to come but for right now I just want to thank ALL of you who are following, it truely means so much for the hub and I to know that we have support and life long friends willing to stick it out till the end. Now, another two 1/2 weeks until we know...one or two? OMG.

Sticking it out until the very end. I love you hub, my sweet J Love.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

need them.

A good friend of the family ,Vicky Lowe, has created this wonderful print of colorful butterflies. Im obsessed, she's thinking about making it into a fabric print and Im hoping she most certainly does. I just think celing to floor curtains with some funky rods would make my tv room.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

up the hill to the little rose cottage.

Yesterday  the hub and I explored the cuttest little cottage,  it got me thinking of how dreamy it would be to actually own something so pleasant. The hormones (yes, of course Im bringing them up again...its a load people!) make me really tired and almost sedated and I think it would be so great to slip into something comfy like my plum pretty sugar robe that my valentine bought me and roam around in french style.

Plum Pretty Sugar
Didnt he do such a good job? The softest silk made. They just had to have a blond model didnt they?
Now this is my French country cottage,

Photo via Catherine Stock

Photo via the Inspiration Room

Photo via 58cherries
Enjoy the sedation.