Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Positive Reinforcement.

Ugh, I have been ridiculously busy. The Holidays are always busy, then there is the family, and the finishing touches with the upcoming events soon to take place. And ohh, lets not forget about work and all the Government what have-you's that have to be delt with. So anyway,

I have found a very interesting study on water crystals. It was done like ten years ago but its really neat, wheather its crediable or not. It starts with a man, Masaru Emoto and his study on water. So the jist of it is, he took numerous samples of tap water, each were put in an individual bottle and a sound proof room. Each bottle had a saying tapped to it and had the saying sound repeated for a set number of times. Words for the study included, "love", "thank you", and "you make me sick, i will kill you," (harsh, i know). Check out the results...

"thank you"

"you make me sick, i will kill you"

Wow, what a difference. Seeing as this is the season for new beginings and "bettering" ourselves for the upcoming year, think about this study. Remember the power of words, the body is made up of 97% of water! new beginings.

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